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Gus Luke


"...Great to Meet You..."

Enjoy Live and Recorded Services & Events

11am - 1pm

Warm, Friendly and Welcoming 

Pastor Augustus Luke
Sunday Every Day with
Pastor Gus Luke
Inspirational audio Messages

Audio Selection from 2020

00:00 / 42:52
00:00 / 49:42

The Massiah 1

The Massiah 2

00:00 / 50:54

The Massiah 3

Audio Selection from 2021

January 2021:

00:00 / 40:31

The Open Door

00:00 / 51:54

The Laodicean Church

00:00 / 45:44

Follow the Light

00:00 / 43:03

The Lamb Among Us

00:00 / 56:20

The Power of the Lamb

February 2021:

00:00 / 48:29

Lynn Carpenter: Perfect Love

00:00 / 34:41

Godfred Asare: Renew your Mind

00:00 / 49:43

Shattered Universe

00:00 / 15:40

God in the Maze

Sunday every day with
Pastor Gus Luke
(Listen by audio )

March 2021:

00:00 / 34:23

Akshai Hannoe: God keeps his promises

00:00 / 08:49

Keep talking to God

00:00 / 35:39

The Power of Imagination

00:00 / 03:59

Pst Lynn - Too Busy for God

April 2021:

00:00 / 55:11

Easter 2021: The Cross and the blood of Jesus

00:00 / 31:13

Easter Sunday 2021: In Christ is everything

00:00 / 46:08

Godfred Asare:

Your Purpose In Life

00:00 / 56:23

Pst Lynn Carpenter:

No More Shame

00:00 / 29:36


00:00 / 37:02

Fear and Faith

00:00 / 41:49

Christ - The Cornerstone

00:00 / 39:24

Never too Busy - Larry

May - June 2021:

00:00 / 54:07

Pst Lynn Carpenter: The Road-block of Shame

00:00 / 38:27

Pst Godfred Asare: Power Over Guilt

00:00 / 44:12

With God Through Hard TImes

00:00 / 38:27

Trusting God Through Trials

Sunday every day with
Pastor Gus Luke
(Listen by audio )
Pastor Gus Audio



Matthew 28:19-20. "go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age”.

The mission of Carshalton Baptist Church is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ under the influence of the Holy Spirit, thereby making disciples of those who have been selected and called to be saints.

Preaching the good news of the cross without compromise so that the word of God is not deprived of its power.  

It’s our aim to disciple believers into fulfilling all of their potentials and live transparent lives which will be honourable and fruitful in the service of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.

Strawberry Lodge, Strawberry Lane

Core Values


5 Baptists Core Values - A Gospel People Called to be:


1. A Prophetic Community.


Following Jesus in confronting evil, injustice and hypocrisy. Challenging worldly concepts of wealth, power, status and security... Read More

2. An Inclusive Community

Following Jesus in transcending barriers of gender, language, race, class, age and culture... Read More


3. A Sacrificial Community

Following Jesus in accepting vulnerability and the necessity of sacrifice. Seeking to reflect the generous, life-giving nature of God... Read More


4. A Missionary Community

Following Jesus in demonstrating in word and action God’s forgiving and healing love... Read More


5. A Worshipping Community

Following Jesus in engaging in worship and prayer which inspire and under gird all we are and do... Read More 

An Inclusive Community

Following Jesus in transcending barriers of gender, language, race, class, age and culture. Identifying with those who are rejected, deprived and powerless.

A Worshipping Community

Following Jesus in engaging in worship and prayer which inspire and undergird all we are and do. Exploring and expressing what it means to live together as the people of God, obeying his Word and following Christ in the whole of daily life.

A Missionary Community

Following Jesus in demonstrating in word and action God’s forgiving and healing love. Calling and enabling people to experience the love of God for themselves.

A Sacrificial Community

Following Jesus in accepting vulnerability and the necessity of sacrifice. Seeking to reflect the generous, life-giving nature of God. Baptist communities will resist the temptations of worldly power and triumphalism.

Touching Our Community by:


Pastor Gus Luke
Pastor Lynn Carpenter

Pastor Gus Luke

Senior Pastor

Pastor Lynn Carpenter

Assistant Pastor

Godfred Asare

Godfred Asare

Akshai Hannoe

Akshai Hannoe

Dilini Fernando

Dilini Fernando

Pauline luke

Pauline Luke

Pastor Gus Luke
Assistance Pastor Lynn Carpenter
Godfred Asare
Dilini Fernando
Akshai Hannoe
Pauline Luke

Click for Leader Profiles

"...Empowering People to Fulfil Their Potential..."

Carshalton Baptist Church Leadership

About the Team

The team at Carshalton Baptist Church are caring and committed professionals working to meet members and community needs. It delivers a perfect blend of spiritual and practical outreach needed to demonstrate how this church engages with real lives, in real situations with the loving touch of the good news of hope, faith and love. The Christian faith for centuries has been the cornerstone of British society caring for everyone, reaching everyone and affecting everyone for good in local and national life.

Carshalton Baptist Church is part of this legacy and continues its work making a positive impact and practical transformation. This church effectively gets involved where the community hurts impacting the youth, the homeless, the elderly and others, empowering people to fulfil their potential.

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